
Holy ghost hilarity

10.13.04 | 1 Comment

It has been brought to my attention by the voices inside my head* that making fun of holy ghost is the only unforgivable sin. The voices inside my head then proceeded to point out that I may have done just that in my last post.

Apparently, the voices inside my head are still attending YouthAmerica summer camp at Oral Roberts University. Grow up, voices in my head!

As a good univeralist, however, I’m not very disturbed. So in the good taste you’ve come to expect from MyIrony, I offer the following joke starters for you to complete at your leisure. Please share your answers in the comments section. [But note: if you complete them, you’ll go straight to hell. Or even laugh. Holy ghost is pissy like that.]

1. How many holy ghosts does it take to screw in a light bulb?

2. Why did holy ghost cross the road?

3. A Jew, a retarded goat, and holy ghost walk into a bar…

4. How do you know when holy ghost has been in your refrigerator?

5. What do you get when you cross holy ghost with a pickle?

* Hearing voices? Well at least I’m in good company. Eat that, Abilify.

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