

What We’re Doing Wrong

08.12.10 | 5 Comments

Vessel has already posted a great response to John Katz’ recent UU World article defending UU culture, so I’ll just focus on one sentence:

If non-whites can meld so easily into our snob-culture that it becomes invisible even to them, then someone please tell me what we’re doing wrong.

Really, you don’t see any barriers to entry, race or otherwise, into a culture of members who are predominantly white, well above the US median income, and where graduate degrees are often the norm?  Next you’ll tell me that Token Black proves that South Park, Colorado is a diverse, multi-cultural, multi-class town.

As long as Stuff White People Like reads like a detailed sociological study of UU culture—at least the younger end of it, where there is a younger end—we’ll continue to have a problem living out the diversity we’d like to embody.

