
Cheers for biblical rascals and arguments with God

03.03.09 | 1 Comment

David Plotz, an agnostic Jew, read the Bible for the very first time for a series of articles on Slate.com last year. He put up a “what I learned” post today, and though he soured on the biblical God after reading his book, he has gathered some unlikely new personal heroes:

As I read the book, I realized that the Bible’s greatest heroes—or, at least, my greatest heroes—are not those who are most faithful, but those who are most contentious and doubtful: Moses negotiating with God at the burning bush, Gideon demanding divine proof before going to war, Job questioning God’s own justice, Abraham demanding that God be merciful to the innocent of Sodom. They challenge God for his capriciousness, and demand justice, order, and morality, even when God refuses to provide them. Reading the Bible has given me a chance to start an argument with God about the most important questions there are, an argument that can last a lifetime.

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