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What if everyone boycotted GA?

02.07.08 | 17 Comments

It looks like one of the UUA trustees is boycotting GA because of the ID requirements for entering the convention center.

Here’s a question for those boycotting GA: Do you think everyone should boycott GA? Is the ID requirement so egregious that all UUs should cancel GA themselves by voting with their feet and not showing?

If so, please tell me how, as specifically as possible, the cost to the association—financial or otherwise—from not having GA would be worth it.

A lot of essential business goes on at GA. (Is the ID situation more important than electing a president, for example?) How would canceling GA deal with this controversy more effectively than other means, ones that could be pursued during GA?

Or what if enough people boycotted to render GA useless? What would you, as a boycotter, say to the people who showed up to find themselves at a dead-in-the-water GA? Too bad, so sad?

More succinctly: What if there were real world consequences to your boycott? Because there would be significant negative consequences to your fellow UUs.

And if it isn’t worth canceling GA over, why are you boycotting? Isn’t it just an ineffectual social justice tantrum then? Protest is easy when you know nothing will come of it.

