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Obama doubles Huckabee’s votes in Iowa

01.04.08 | 2 Comments

The Democrats had a phenomenal turnout in the Iowa caucuses last night, getting some 236,00 through the turnstiles, double last time’s turnout. The real news of the night though is that the Republican winner placed fourth overall.

If you take the number of Democratic voters and run them through the percentage of delegates won reported by the NYTimes, you get some interesting numbers.

Candidate % in Own Party Votes
1. Obama 37.6% 88.736
2. Edwards 29.7% 70,092
3. Clinton 29.5% 69,620
4. Huckabee 34.3% 39,814
5. Romney 25.3% 29,405

We’re dealing with delegates percentages here, not votes, so this isn’t an exact science. But it can’t be far off. It will be interesting to see if this continues in New Hampshire, where voters can also cross party lines to vote.

