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Falwell 2.0 says quit antagonizing atheists

10.16.07 | 3 Comments

Jonathan Falwell seems to have taken over daddy’s empire. Which means he sends out a weekly email to the flock.

In his most recent email, he talks about the New Atheism. There are a lot of references to atheist books and websites (one and two). I wonder how many of his folks will go out and buy those books now.

The meat of the email is an extended quote from Sam Harris noting a consistent hostility in Christian responses to his work. Harris listens to their quoting chapter and verse and takes that as evidence that the Bible is a book of hatred and intolerance.

Falwell 2.0’s response is seasoned with the usual fundy bitching about America’s supposed hostility to Christianity and the like. But for the most part, he admonishes the flock to quit browbeating atheists.

Here’s an extended quote from Falwell 2.0:

We must show the love of Christ at all times. We must considerately reason with nonbelievers, as the Apostle Paul did in the New Testament and as my friend Dr. Ergun Caner does in many debates with atheists today.

Further, we must reach out to people who are in need, as the Bible commands us.

Let us remember a very important question asked in I John 3:17: “But whoever has the world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?”

Compassion should be a crucial component of the Christian life.

My fear is that many people like Sam Harris, who have chosen to live out their lives believing in a godless universe, may have come to that conclusion because Christians or so-called Christians were cruel or uncaring toward them.

Is this a sign that a kinder, gentler Falwell is in charge now? And why is it that the empires are always handed to sons?1 Is it just good branding?

From what I can tell, a copy of the full letter will be posted here before too much longer. (Hat tip to 4alarm.)

  1. Oral Roberts to Richard Roberts, Billy Graham to Franklin Graham, Robert H. Schuller to Robert A. Schuller, and Jerry Falwell to Jonathan Falwell. Those are the ones that immediately come to mind. []

