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Welcome: Gift giving or justice making?

08.02.07 | 5 Comments

Why do we welcome the stranger? Seems to me there are two types of motivations: mercy and justice.

Merciful welcomers focus on the giving of gifts. For them, welcome is an expression of the abundance of life. It’s a matter of generosity. They give because they have been given much.

At its worst, merciful welcome devolves into a parody of itself—making nice. At its best it creates circles of relationship that never existed before.

Just welcomers seek to rectify unwelcome. They see people who have been shut out in the cold and want to bring them in to join the party. (There’s a good chance that they were shut out of the party once themselves.) For them, welcome is a matter of what we owe each other.

At its worst, just welcome turns into the opposite of welcome—a closing of the circle against all who are judged not just enough. At its best it opens up a space for reconciliation to happen, where wrongs can be righted and forgiveness can begin.

Justice and mercy tend to compete, and it is no different with welcome. Just welcomers can make merciful welcomers feel like their gifts are unappreciated or even scorned. Mercy types will feel they are being told their compassion will never be enough, or even that it doesn’t matter. But mercy types can exasperate justice types with their calls to just get along.

Both sides need to learn from the other. Merciful welcomers will have a hard time hearing that their good intentions sometimes gloss over injustice or even cause it, that sometimes compassion isn’t enough, that injustice must be named and called out in spite of hurt feelings.

Mercy types teach us that justice must end with person-to-person compassion. Reforms and revolutions can be necessary, but they rarely heal. In the end, we have to be able to look each other in the eye and make pleasant conversation, or else what is the point of welcome?

What we justice types must learn is that no matter how high our cause or how enlightened our analysis, welcome always returns to individual members of a species of social animals who want, and need, to be nice to each other. Ideology doesn’t meet raw human need. The rhetoric of welcome must never become hateful.

What justice types teach us is that nice can’t smooth everything over. Sometimes welcome requires kicking someone out of the party. Sometimes welcome requires saying who’s not coming to dinner, because they haven’t been invited. The host has to be able to hear those ugly truths, even though he was kind enough to spend the whole day making dinner.

And that, my friends, is UUism’s struggle with anti-racist, anti-oppression work in a nutshell.

