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Friday Scribbler: 2006/08/11

08.11.06 | Comment?

Stuff I’ve been reading this week from folks over at The Daily Scribe:

Camassia follows up on the Mel Gibson fiasco, exposing his lame excuse: “I don’t believe myself to be a bigot; therefore, I did not say anything bigoted.”

Are Unitarians still religious humanists or have we become “vague Buddhists?” Lo-Fi Tribe asks, “Why would not a properly thinking humanist NOT consider religion to be EVEN MORE IMPORTANT if it IS truly a product of human rather than divine revelation?” And A People So Bold! isn’t convinced we’re vague Buddhists in the first place.

Lo-Fi also releases his tempting new theme “Slopbox.”

So Bold! also points us to the Cherokee Nation of Mexico. I had no idea.

Boy in the Bands starts an open thread for the-gay-and-ordained.

On the science and religion front, Mindful Mission points out that the head of the Human Genome Project is a Christian.

And, finally, Yet Another UU finishes up his excellent series on teaching kids to be religious.

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