
What Peacebang said

05.17.06 | 3 Comments

On a discussion at UU Enforcer a bit back, Peacebang had the following to say re: UUs hiring Boomers over GenXers. My congregation is in the early stages of a search process so that discussion and Peacebang’s comments are especially pertinent right now. I’m guessing from the context that Peacebang counts herself among the Boomer ministers she’s criticizing.

Some of the questions I have for Boomer ministers are,

(1) when can we stop hearkening to the 60’s as the great era of social change, when it’s so long ago and there’s still so much change necessary?

(2) When are we going to accept that the things that were spiritually thrilling for your generation are now being questioned as cultural appropriation, ahistorical and often just not my generation’s cup of tea?

(3)Why are UU women my age still accused of not “understanding” feminism when we reject goddess thealogies as our primary religious orientation, and “selling out to the patriarchy” when we become Theists or Christians who embrace a Father God (and this is more linguistic than conceptual: we just aren’t that hot under the collar about inclusive language)?

(4)How can we all do better at realizing that when we talk about economic justice for the poor, there is an entire population of 20-somethings graduating from college with crippling amounts of educational debt unbeknownst to previous generations, astronomical housing costs unknown to us when we were that age, and the prospect of never being able to retire? How should that change our institutional leadership styles and our class assumptions?

(5) Are Boomer leaders ready to hear that young adults hunger for religious *experience* rather than Conversations About Religious Experience? And that ritual, religious language and spiritual practices that an older generation(s) still vehemently reject (unless its something exotic and Eastern) are not so anathema to our young adults?

