
Update: More adventures with Dr. Chucktastic

05.03.06 | 2 Comments

I just received a note (today, May 3) in the mail from Dr. Chucktastic.  It’s dated April 28.  It’s results for a lab on April 19.  At the bottom, beneath a bunch of unchecked tests I didn’t take, it reads, “Testicular ultrasound showed no evidence of tumor.”

So two weeks after my test, I find out via Dr. Chucktastic that I don’t have cancer. Remember, it was Dr. Chucktastic who originally saw me and who authorized the test.  But in the end it was Dr. Primary Care who let me know—two days after the lab and with some cajoling—and who then saw me later that same
Rather thoughtful of Dr. Chucktastic to let me know I don’t have cancer, once he found the time.  Maybe in a month or two he’ll want to see me for a follow up.

