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“Do a bit of research first…”

01.24.06 | 4 Comments

Steve Caldwell has advised me to “do a bit of research first before proposing reform ideas.”

Well, Steve, I followed up on your most excellent suggestion and went to check out the UUA’s venerable bylaws. It seems they total over 25,000 words. There are 25 Articles encompassing almost 150 subsections and 15 Rules sections with 82 subsections. (If my calculations are correct.)

Am I done now? Because now I’m even more convinced I don’t need to read the bylaws.

What harm, specifically, came from suggestions that were already in place? Honestly, I’d like to know.

New reform suggestion: only those who are intimately familiar with UUA bylaws may make reform proposals on blogs. (Won’t someone please think of the children??)

Please advise. As Steve pointed out, some of us need to be spoon fed when it comes to our responsibilities as lay leaders to be familiar with what the UUA puts in print about itself. Plus, that sort of thing is always an edifying read!

