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Ten worst Americans

01.04.06 | 8 Comments

There’s a meme going around, dagnabbit, and I’m not going to be left out in the cold.

1. Jefferson Davis—all around traitorous bastard
2. Robert E. Lee—traitorous bastard who killed thousands of Americans, however noble he was supposed to have been
3. Nathan Bedford Forrest—traitor and racist shit who founded the KKK
4. George Custer—for killing Indians and being an arrogant sonuvabitch (Could substitute Andrew Jackson for ethnic cleansing of Cherokees)
5. J. Edgar Hoover—for breaking the Constitution because, you know, he thought we’d appreciate it
6. Richard Nixon—for breaking the Constitution because, you know, he wanted to (Could tack on G. Gordon Liddy here)
7. Joseph McCarthy—demagogue and fear monger (Could tack on Roy Cohn here)
8. Henry Ford—fascist, anti-semite, friend to Hitler, and inventor of consumerism
9. Robert McNamara—CEO of the military-industrial complex during the Cold War
10. Tim McVeigh—for blowing up my home town, and probably inspiring someone else to try the same in the future

Dishonorable mention:
11. Ollie North
12. John C. Calhoun
13. George Wallace
14. Strom Thurmond
15. Dean Acheson

[tags]ten worst americans, history[/tags]

