
College Republican calls for Bush assassination and fun

11.18.05 | 2 Comments

Steven S. Hoffman, a Wash. U. College Republican, was caught posting a rather unpatriotic comment at General JC Christian, Patriot: 

We should all get together and assasinate that bastard Bush, don’t you agree? Let’s blow his ugly face off and we can have fun!!

To make matters worse, Hoffman tried to do this under cover of a regular commenter’s name.   Too bad you can track commenters by IP addresses.  And too bad the General sent his name on to Wash U campus security.  Sounds like this Hoffman is a real Karl Rove in the making.  Mother must be proud.

Operation Yellow Elephant is going so well. 

UPDATE: This is the same Hoffman who recently responded to a school paper columnist’s charge of Republican racism by calling that columnist a "nigger" (scroll down a bit).

UPDATE:  As Bill Baar says in comments below, Hoffman denies he wrote the comment.  His alibi?  He was supporting Our Leader’s war effort by playing Halo with twelve friends.  His friends had better hope he’s telling the truth—these things are pretty easy to track, and his friend won’t want to be accomplices in something so severe.

