
Unitarian Jihad finished

08.16.05 | 1 Comment

The "Unitarian Jihad" ad campaign we waged this summer has now come to the end of its financial life.  Thanks to donations from several of you, we got almost 1500 clicks from 40K views of our ad.  This gave us a click-through rate of 3.5%, at about a nickel a click. 

So that’s 1500 netizens over four months who found out a little something more about our movement—all for the cost of two cheap seats, beer and hot dogs at a Braves game.  Not bad.

Two questions:

1.  Did anyone run into someone who visited your congregation because of this ad campaign?
2.  Has anyone had luck with Google ads (or similar) for their local congregation?  Seems like a good targeted ad could go a long way…

Thanks to our donors for making all this happen! 

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