
Why do you work so hard??

07.19.05 | 4 Comments

I’m about to put my money where my mouth is on this one. (More on that later.) But in the meantime, Mark Morford asks if it’s "time to quit your safe job and follow your path and infuriate the establishment:"

We are designed, weaned, trained from Day 1 to be productive members of society. And we are heavily guilted into believing that must involve some sort of droning repetitive pod-like dress-coded work for a larger corporate cause, a consumerist mechanism, a nice happy conglomerate. But the truth is, God, the divine true spirit loves nothing more than to see you unhinge and take risk and invite regular, messy, dangerous upheaval. This is exactly the energy that thwarts the demons of stagnation and conservative rot and violent sanctimonious bloody Mel Gibson-y religion, one that would have all our work be aimed at continuously patching up our incessant potholes of ugly congenital guilt, as opposed to contributing to the ongoing orgiastic evolution of spirit. (emphasis mine)

That’s the closest I’ve come to reading a vibrant, liberal, theology of work in a long time, and that from a newpaper columnist. Anybody up for an "ongoing orgiastic evolution of spirit?" I’ll bring the beer…

