
On the virtues of being a jackass

07.12.05 | 11 Comments

Every so often I run across folks who equate “being nice” with “behaving ethically.” That this drives me batty will come as no surprise to regular readers.

But I’d like to add another peg to the discussion: “nice” is classist. I’ll fill that out a little more: “nice” is how well-to-do white folks with asthma behave at dinner parties, and how they expect you to behave if you wish to curry their favor. Reading How to Rent a Negro has only underlined my conviction.

So a dare: Please, proponents of nice, show me where I can read a stalwart defense of the “ethical=nice” position. (I work with academic ethicists, and they will be delighted for this complete reframing of the last 2500 years of their field!)

Bonus points if the essay/article/book makes me included, affirmed, or actualized!

And a second dare: I grew up working class, among salt of the earth types who would saw off their leg for you if you thought you needed it. But “nice” was something you did around rich people so they would like you, not something you did around family and friends. Please explain to me how we were wrong about nice, in a way that won’t make me have to kick your ass for dissing my mama. (So be sure to be nice about it.)

