
No taxation without weapons of mass destruction?

06.28.05 | Comment?

Thanks, Greg Beato of Wonkette

Speaking last week on a Philadelphia radio show, Rumsfeld shared one historian’s view that "if the Revolutionary War had been covered the way we’re covering this war and people had seen how difficult the conditions are and how badly things were run…people would have tossed it in."

So if we pull out of Iraq, we have to start paying taxes to Saddam again? Hit that message harder, Rummy, and maybe even Grover will enlist.

Incidentally, Ana Marie Cox and Greg Beato of Wonkette, "Your Pal Carl" of Plastic.com,  and also Heather Havrilesky of rabbitblog, Salon, and sometimes even NPR, were all once the secret crew behind the late, great Suck.com(Long article here.)

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