
We have to BUY the report??

06.23.05 | 3 Comments

Please correct me if I’m wrong.  But it appears that the UUA’s Commission on Appraisal is only making printed copies available of its report.  Moreover, it is only making one copy available to each congregation.  The rest of us must buy a copy of the report (link withheld) from the UUA bookstore for $14 plus shipping and handling.  Oh, and we get to enjoy the UUA Bookstore’s lightning fast response speed.

So the report, "Engaging Our Theological Diversity," is supposed to address the question, "What is the unity in our theological diversity?"   The mission of the COA is this:

Grounded in the living tradition of our free faith, yet charged with acting independently, the Commission on Appraisal’s mission is to provoke deep reflection, energizing and revitalizing Unitarian Universalism.

So why do I have to buy my own damn copy?   Can’t they just post a PDF and/or convert it to HMTL?  It would take, maybe, all of twenty minutes to do.  Or send me the InDesign file and I’ll do it myself.

Oh, yeah, and it’s a freaking committee report!?!

Printed copies, in and of themselves, are fine by me.  (I may want one myself.)  My beef is that this info should also be freely available over the net.  I won’t go into the transparency and class issues except to say that, as it stands, the COA presents itself as only needing to "energize and revitalize" GA delegates and those with $20 in their committee report budget.

