
Facho, facho femme

02.07.05 | 1 Comment

It has long peeved me that in the facile feminist circles I run in stereotypically male behaviors (say, beer and a football game) are routinely derided (or worse) while stereotypically female behaviors pass without a word of judgement. To remedy that situation, I propose a new word: “facho.”

fa-cho (adv.) related to or exemplifying stereotypically female gender roles, often to excess (n. fachismo)

An example of facho behavior is going to scrapbooking camp. A very facho behavior would be saying to a girlfriend who can’t go with you to scapbook camp, “You just come down any day that you can. And you can do anything you want. [insert giggle]”

Fachismo is supported and exploited by various rituals, such as the tupperware party, the Mary Kay party, and showers. If the phrase, “Ooohh, that’s so cute!” is uttered more than two dozen times, then that event is probably facho.

Detractors may point out that “facho” could be derogatory. And to that I say, “Yes, I certainly hope for.” It’s time for liberal middle-class white ladies to quit getting onto liberal middle-class men for acting like middle-class men while condoning their own stereotypical gender behavior. Put up or shut up. And when you don’t, be prepared to be called out as “facho.”

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