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Evangelicals: Put up or shut up

01.27.05 | 6 Comments

Flagship evangelical magazine Christianity Today is running a remarkable article detailing exactly how unchristian most evangelicals really are, according to a series of Gallup and Barna polls. Among the many things learned:

  • Divorce rates are slightly higher among evangelicals than among non-evangelicals.
  • States dominated by evangelicals (the Bible Belt) have the highest divorce rates.
  • Evangelicals outgive mainline Protestants, but still don’t get to even half a tithe.
  • Only 6% of evangelicals tithe.
  • Even while evangelicals do it less, rates of unmarried cohabitation are rising most swiftly in Bible Belt states.
  • Only 12% of “True Love Waits” pledgers keep their pledge of premarital abstinence.
  • Almost half of evangelicals say premarital sex is okay.
  • White evangelicals report racist attitudes at least twice more often than other whites.**

What do we learn from this? Most obviously, we learn that white evangelicals are divorce-happy racists. But more importantly, we learn the true power of the “born again” experience, as author Ron Sider can’t keep himself from telling us:

Graham Cyster, a Christian whom I know from South Africa, recently told me a painful story about a personal experience two decades ago when he was struggling against apartheid as a young South African evangelical. One night, he was smuggled into an underground Communist cell of young people fighting apartheid. “Tell us about the gospel of Jesus Christ,” they asked, half hoping for an alternative to the violent communist strategy they were embracing.

Graham gave a clear, powerful presentation of the gospel, showing how personal faith in Christ wonderfully transforms persons and creates one new body of believers where there is neither Jew nor Greek, male nor female, rich nor poor, black nor white. The youth were fascinated. One seventeen-year-old exclaimed, “That is wonderful! Show me where I can see that happening.” Graham’s face fell as he sadly responded that he could not think of anywhere South African Christians were truly living out the message of the gospel. “Then the whole thing is a piece of shit,” the youth angrily retorted. Within a month he left the country to join the armed struggle against apartheid—and eventually giving his life for his beliefs.

The young man was right. If Christians do not live what they preach, the whole thing is a farce. “American Christianity has largely failed since the middle of the twentieth century,” Barna concludes, “because Jesus’ modern-day disciples do not act like Jesus.” This scandalous behavior mocks Christ, undermines evangelism, and destroys Christian credibility.

How nice that someone noticed.

*What Barna calls “born again” I call “evangelical.” What Barna calls “evangelical” I call “fundamentalist.”
**Stats I would have like to see are abortions and teen pregnancy. I know Oklahoma’s teen pregnancy rates are always at or near the top, so I suspect those stats would also be telling.

