
Bush’s one fingered victory salute

10.28.04 | 7 Comments

I’ve found myself saying from time to time that the reason I don’t like Bush (personally) is that I knew his type growing up in Oklahoma: big-talking, do-nothing braggarts with powerful, boorish friends.

Now there is direct, video proof. (Link to Quicktime video.) Or as Wonkette notes:

Yeah, about that “one-fingered victory salute” video: It’s not the vulgarity that’s disappointing, it’s the way he’s so pleased with himself — and wants us to be pleased, too. Whatever. As party tricks go, it’s not burping the alphabet or anything. Anyhow: again, we reflect on how all the “scandalous” things we find out about Bush just make him seem like a fun guy. You know, he cracks up the crew, he does coke, he gets naked in bars, he pays for abortions. . .

