
How old are you? And you wear a bow tie??

10.16.04 | 11 Comments

If you haven’t heard yet, Jon Stewart went onto Crossfire and kicked Tucker Carlson’s ass up and down the court for being a fakety-fake news man. The difference between them then, according to Jon? Jon openly admits he’s a fake newsguy, Tucker insists he’s not.

I’ll give Jon Stewart a dollar if he’ll wear a bow tie for the next week on the show. If Tucker has any class at all, he’ll drop the thing entirely, but I’m guessing he’s going to bitch and whine a bit. (Nothing like a conservative playing the victim.)

Watch the exchange for yourself. And you can get Jon’s new book here—I highly recommend it.

UPDATE: More people have downloaded Jon’s bitchslapping of Tucker than normally watch Crossfire.

