
Leopard slug pr0n

08.12.04 | Comment?

Tonight around 10pm my wife called me out to the front yard. Just around the corner from this place (our back yard) was the first ever sighting (for these two Okies) of leopard slug sex. Yes, nature in all its fecund glory was manifesting its virility before our very eyes—with the aid of a flashlight.

If you’ve been clicking on the links, you’ve by no doubt discovered the vivid color photos. Unfortunately, MyIrony is not the first website to distribute online photos of wet hot leopard slug action. Nor the first to broadcast a photo of a well-defined, fully extended slug penis.

However, we are the first blog (to our knowledge) to distribute live video of the “money shot” of hot sticky slug-on-slug action. You’ll notice in the video several key moments: (1) The final post-coital embrace (rather sweet of him/her). (2) An obvious expression of post-coital exhaustion. And (3) the beginning of post-coital withdrawal, which clearly establishes which of these hermaphroditic creatures was “the top,” so to speak.

One post-coital moment of grace we didn’t manage to capture on video was this removal of the spidey-sense web nightie of one leopard slug by another. Truly heart warming.

(After these photos, the withdrawing slug changed his/her mind and chased the other slug up to the window sill.)

And that is why my father-in-law got me a digital camera for Christmas.

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