
Only just the night before, about eight o’clock

07.15.04 | Comment?

I’m so proud of my versification of the Boring Prophet from Life of Brian from this comment thread that I’m giving it its own post. May Otis the (Almost) Prophet live on!

1There shall, in that time,
   be rumours of things going astray, erm,
And there shall be a great confusion
   as to where things really are.

2And nobody will really know
   where lieth those little things wi—
       with the sort of raffia work base
           that has an attachment.

3At this time,
   a friend shall lose his friend’s hammer.

4And the young shall not know
   where lieth the things
       possessed by their fathers
   that their fathers put there
       only just the night before,
           about eight o’clock.

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