
Airing dirty laundry

04.28.04 | 1 Comment

I feel a need to defend someone who was featured in the recent UU World story on UU blogs. Since then, Matthew at Gatheringwater wrote a post correcting some misunderstandings (bottom of page) he ran across with the the reporter’s story. He was then attacked by three anonymous posters defending UUism from something or another they think Matthew did.

My favorite comment—posted from the darkness of anonymity—says this:

I hope that you stop airing the school’s dirty laundry in this forum, especially when your blog is featured in the UU World for our entire denomination to read.

I would really like to think that this comment is supposed to be funny (“airing dirty laundry”). So if it is, please forgive my zealousness. But—assuming it’s not a joke—exactly who is supposed to be making UUism look bad here?

(I’m all for anonymity—MyIrony is pseudo-anonymous, after all—but damn. Moral courage and the casual sex of anonymous comment posting don’t usually go together.)

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