
Will the circle be unbroken?

04.20.04 | 3 Comments

UU President Bill Sinkford writes to his fellow Unitarian Universalists:

We’re no longer way out on the margins, and we no longer need to confine our message to the little side streets in our UU neighborhoods. We can take our Good News to the center of the public square with some expectation that it will be favorably received.

His prescription?

We can stand up in the public square and consistently and clearly voice our commitment to the inherent worth and dignity of every person and our commitment to a world communty with peace, justice, and liberty for all. We can take action inspired by these commitments.

This certainly sounds good, but that’s not what his Mormon friend suggested at the beginning of the piece:

Proportionate to our size, he said, Unitarian Universalists do a better job of attracting visitors than do the Mormons. But, he added, we do a terrible job keeping them. “If your churches were half as successful at integrating and retaining members as we Mormons are,” he concluded, “then Unitarian Universalism would be the most dangerous church in America.”

It seems, then, that we could use some more attention to the practices of community. Shouting it from the rooftops won’t help (and we’ve been doing that so long that if it was going to work, it would have worked by now). Making sure people are integrated–and know they are integrated–into the circle will do much more to help.

