
Selling out to the man

04.07.04 | Comment?

It’s official now: I am bought and sold. You’ve no doubt noticed the ads on the top of the page. If I’m lucky, the revenue will generate enough money to fund my shameful cashew addiction.

But look at the bright side. Through the magic of Google Adsense, evangelicals are advertising on MyIrony! Last night I saw an ad for dating sexy Baptists in your area. (Free registration, even.) And today one for Liberty University.

The ads are supposed to be content sensitive, so they change a bit depending on which story you’ve clicked on. However, my top post for comments doesn’t advertise Arby’s yet. Everything in due time.

Oh, and click on the ads. Lots of them. I eat a lot of cashews. And you could be dating a sexy Baptist just around the corner, you lucky devil.

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