
Announcing ‘The Polis’

03.30.03 | 6 Comments

And so it begins. Some folks commented in my ‘weblog manifesto’ reponse post that it would be swell if there was a blogring for–as The Happy Tutor put it–the “poststructuralist nonconforming postmodernist recovering philosopher web polis.” In the words of one nonconforming philosopher, ask and you shall receive.

Thus, from the depths of the boundless (apologies to Anaximander) arises The Polis–a blogring for recovering philosophers. (And there was much rejoicing.) Here’s the preliminary membership requirements for our snooty little club:

  1. For weblogs only.
  2. All members should be in significant conversation with one or more streams of postmodern/poststructuralist thought. (This does not need to be the weblogs’ primary focus, though.)
  3. All members should be engaged constructively in the (re)formation of civil society.
  4. All members must post the “ringsurf” code on the front page of their weblog. (Which you’ll receive upon joining.)

Mostly painless. To join up, simply go here and fill out the form. (To set up the blogring at Ringsurf I had to specify a homepage, so I’m temporarily hosting it here at MyIrony. It’s my hope that others will want to share responsibility for hosting/membership/etc. as the ring gets going.) Happy blogging. And let’s be careful out there with that guerilla ontology.

